Subject: Food and Health

Мета: сприяти замисленню учнів над проблемами харчування, способами створення
продуктів, формування навичок монологічного та діалогічного мовленняб активізувати лексичний запас учнів, виробляти уміння підготовки доповіді на задану тему, тренувати вміння доречно застосовувати необхідні граматичні форми, розвивати комунікативні вміння, навички вести бесідк, розвивати мислення та творчу уяву, розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, розвивати почуття мови, вміння вислухати співбесідника.

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок.    
Методи та прийоми: слово вчителя, аудіювання, читання, бесіда дискусійного    характеру.                                                                                                                                                                             
Форма уроку: урок з елементами дискусійного клубу. 

Обладнання: плакати, що відповідають темі, аудіо матеріали, презентації учнів, інтерактивна дошка.    
Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! How are you?       
Students: – I’m fine/O.K. I feel perfect/nice…    
Teacher: I’m glad to see you healthy and in good mood.  Dear friends, we’re going to have an interesting lesson. A correspondent of a local newspaper is our guest today. He’d like to ask you a few questions about your preferences in food.

  2. Role-playing.                                                                                                                                                    
Correspondent: Good morning, dear friends! Could you answer my questions?

 Students: With pleasure. Why not?                                                                                                                     
Correspondent: Did you have breakfast today? 
Student 1: Yes, of  course.
Correspondent: What did you have for breakfast today?                                                                                               
Student 1: I had bacon with eggs and a cup of coffee.       
Correspondent: What do you like for breakfast?                                                                                                   
Student 2: I like two eggs, some milk and tea.          
Correspondent: What do you like for lunch?                                                                                                             
 Student 3: I like a plate of soup, some fish and cake.    
Correspondent: What do you like for dinner?  
Student 4: I prefer mashed potatoes, soup and meat.                                                                                       
Correspondent: What do you like for supper?   
Student 5: I like some cheese, some bread and ham.

Teacher: Thanks a lot. Now answer my question, please. Why do people eat? What do you think?

Student 1: People eat to live.                                                                                                                                           
Student 2: They eat to be strong and healthy.

Student 3: They need energy to have a sound mind in a sound body.

Teacher:  Right you are. If we don’t eat, we’ll die.

3.Warm up.  Proverbs and quotes about food.

Teacher:  As you can guess the topic of our lesson is “Food and Health”. I should say that food has always paid much attention to and there are a lot of proverbs and quotes about it. Please, look at the computer screen. Someone has modified the list of proverbs and created strange sayings. Can you fit them back together again correctly.

·         An apple a day lessen your meal.
·         The way to man’s heart keeps the doctor away.
·         To lengthen your life, is through his stomach.
·         Tastes not to live.
·         We eat to live, differ.
·         You are what you eat.

Teacher:  “You are what you eat” is an American saying. What does it mean?

Student 1:  It means that food is fuel and our minds and bodies depend on it to be healthy. 
Student 2:  It means that we need energy to be healthy.                                                                                  
Student 3:  Not just any food will do. A bad diet can be positively unhealthy. 
Student 4:  The saying means that our lifespan depend on food we eat.                                                            
Teacher:   Exactly.

4. Brainstorming.

Teacher:  It’s time to split into two groups and brainstorm the ideas giving positive and negative adjectives describing food.

5. Making a decision.   Group work.

Teacher:  In groups make a decision if the food you see on the computer screen healthy, unhealthy or tasty. Be ready to speak about a hot dog, a chicken soup and a vegetable salad.

                                                 ( Presentation of groups)

Group 1.  A hot dog is considered to be fast food. It means it’s tasty but not healthy. Fast food is usually high in fat and low in vitamins and minerals. People eat it in a hurry. When you are in a hurry you eat more. It leads to obesity, dental problems and heart diseases.

 Group 2.  Chicken soup is tasty and healthy. It’s cooked with meat and vegetables. So, it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Group 3.  Vegetable salad is healthy as well as nourishing, tasty and nice to eat. It’s high in vitamins, minerals and fibre. It’s low in fats.

6. Game association.


Teacher:  Please, look at the words. What can you say about them? Don’t forget to use conditional sentences where possible. The speech patterns are in front of you, on the computer screen.

if + Present, PresentIf + Present,  willIf + Past, would

Student 1: If we add these items to dishes, they taste delicious.       
Student 2: If we didn’t add them to different dishes, they would be tasteless.                                    
Student 3: We can’t imagine our diet without these items.  
Student 4: If we didn’t add them to dishes, they wouldn’t have such a delicate flavor. 
Student 5: However, we should be rather careful with these ingredients. They are harmful, if they are added in large quantities.

Teacher:  Thanks a lot. You know, we’re living in the world where soya, artificial additives and highly processed food are becoming more and more popular. Besides, scientists say that eating meat is bad for our health and with the development of genetic engineering we can find new foods on the shelves of the supermarkets. Do we know what we are eating? Today we’re going to answer the question:
Does our health depend on food we eat?

I invite you to take part in the work of our discussion club. I’d like to draw your attention to the basket for food. It’s empty now. At the end of our discussion be ready to “produce” the decision and fill the basket with food which you think is good for our health.
Remember the rules of the discussion and useful phrases to express your opinion. They are on the screen.

Rules of the discussion.
                                              Be tolerant and polite.
                                              Respect other student’s opinion.
                                              Listen to a speaker attentively.
                                               Don’t interrupt each other.
                                               Ask and answer the questions.
Useful phrases to express
                                       I think        I’m sure       To my mind
                                       I believe    In my opinion   I must say

                                        Exactly        That’s why     I think so

                                                      I’m afraid you’re wrong.
Absolutely not.                                                                                                                                                                                                       I’ve got an argument to oppose.
                                                    I see your point but…
                                          On the one hand, …   On the other hand,…
8. Discussion club.

Leader:  I’m glad to meet you in our discussion club. Today we’re assembled here to discuss the problem which is of vital importance for every human being. What is better for us – natural rood or food of the future? We have to ask ourselves a question: “ Do we know what we are eating?” To help us in the discussion we invited two dietologists and two experts who work thoroughly on this problem. Meet Doctor Omnivorous and Professor Tendereater.

Doctor Omnivorous: Nice to meet you!

Professor Tendereater: Glad to see you!

Leader: I remind the audience that while discussing the problems you have to put down questions and answer them. So, what is the food our minds and bodies need? Should we ban food additives and return to a simpler, more natural way of producing food? To begin with let the Dietologists tell about the main original sources of food.

Dietologists:  ( Make presentation “ Plant and Animal Food”).

Leader:  Thank you for your presentations. Dear friends, what kind of food do you prefer: plant or animal? What food do you eat most often?

Student 1:  Naturally, different foods contain different amounts and combinations of six components. Some are high in protein or carbohydrates, for example, while others are low in fiber or fats. So, I try to keep a balanced diet. I mean, I eat plant as well as animal food.
Student 2: ....
 Leader:  Now, let our experts express their views on the problem.

Professor Tendereater:  You are what you eat. I think this saying has sense. I am a supporter of low fat and low cholesterol food. I am a vegetarian. I don’t eat meat and fish. There is enough other nutritious food to keep us healthy and wise.    
Doctor Omnivorous: As for me, I’m a supporter of good quality food, no matter whether it’s meat, fish or vegetables.   
Leader: Please, ask questions to the experts.

Question 1 ( from the audience): What is the use of fiber for our health?

Professor Tendereater: It helps our digestive system to work properly and protects it against diseases such as cancer. Adults need 300 gr of fiber per day. Here is a list of food which has a high fiber content: vegetables, nuts, cereals, beans, fruit, wholesome bread and pasta.

Question 1 ( from the audience): Why is animal fat bad for our health?

Dietologist 1: Fat contains a lot of calories and cholesterol. It can gradually start to block your arteries. The result is a heart attack.

Dietologist 2: I see your point. Small amount of fat is good for you, especially fat from dairy products and poultry. Since we live in cold climate in winter, fat is necessary for us. It helps to keep the body warm.

Leader: People argue if it’s necessary to eat meat. Let’s learn more about it from the magazine article.

9.Reading.  Article “ Meat is a Murder”

 Task 1 (Students work in groups)

Teacher: Dear friends, seven sentences have been taken out of the article. To understand the information you need to complete the article with the sentences (A-H).

  Task 2.                                                                                                                                                              
 Group 1.  Look through the article once again and say what reasons for becoming a vegetarian are.                                                                                                                                                                     Group 2.  What arguments for being a vegetarian are mentioned in the article?        
 Group3.  What arguments are against being a vegetarian?

                                                          ( Students’ answers)

Question3:  Professor Tendereater, you are a vegetarian. Don’t you feel  lack of protein?

 Professor Tendereater: People always ask me this question. The answer is positively “no”. My main sources of protein are beans, soya and nuts. A diet with too much protein may be bad too.

Question3:  Doctor Omnivorous, have you ever thought to be a vegetarian? Why is being a vegetarian a bad idea?

Doctor Omnivorous: People need to enjoy meat. I think it’s difficult to substitute it. Humans have eaten meat for millions of years and we have teeth specially designed for eating meat

Dietologist1: I want to add that food must obligatory contain six contents: carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats and fiber. Only when you are omnivorous you can provide yourself with all of them.

( Answers from the audience ).

Student 1: I don’t agree with what vegetarians say. Killing animals for food is cruel but what about human suffering? Being a vegetarian doesn’t solve the problem. If everybody stops eating meat, farmers will lose jobs.

Leader:  I have a question to the audience. Is it possible for everyone to follow the vegetarian diet and is it necessary to do so?

Student 2: I believe there two sides of one medal. To be a vegetarian can have its advantages and disadvantages. I am sure it’s not possible for everyone to follow such a diet. If people have certain health problems, it cannot be advisable for them to keep it. In any case you should consult a doctor.

Question 5:  Is it true that if in future people eat less they will live longer?

Professor Tendereater: The human lifespan could be extended, if calories are cut. Research has shown that a strict diet not only increases lifespan – it cuts disease.

Student 3: I’m going to live to 140. I know that t’s a widely prevocational thing to say. I believe that caloric restriction will put me in a position of taking advantages of all new things that are going to expend our lives.

Student 4: Our food traditions have been cultivated for ages. A person should taste as much food as possible during his or her life. All you need to know is a simple fact: avoid what is bad for you! You are an individual and choose your food individually.

Doctor Omnivorous: To my mind, our task is to create new more nutritious, healthier and with more vitamins food to make our bodies resistant to diseases. We should create food which will be on guard of our life. I mean, genetically modified food.

Question 6:  What is genetic food?

Doctor Omnivorous: In an attempt to create nicer-looking, longer-lasting and more nutritional food scientists have developed the genetic structure of foods such as fruit and vegetables, soya and corn. GMF is created by taking DNA from one organism and putting it into another.

Question 7: Many people feel that there has not been enough research done into this genetic change and that our entire food chain can be in danger. Is it true?

Professor Tendereater: Once released in environment genetic mistakes cannot be cleaned up, but will be passed on to all future generations.

Leader: Do we want to eat GMF? I invite you to listen to the conversation between Tom and Jan and learn their opinion on the subject.

10. Listening

Teacher: Listen to the conversation and decide who has these opinions – Tom or Jan.

(Students have the list of opinions on their desks).

The list of opinions.
1.      I would never buy tomatoes of a big size.

2.      GMF could solve the problem of the world hunger.

3.      GM cows, producing a lot of milk is nonsense.

4.      People can’t say no to all new things.

5.      Creating new foods is a progress.

6.      People in developing countries don’t have enough to eat but GMF is not the right decision.

Teacher: Listen to the conversation once again and answer the question:   
    Are Tom and Jan strongly in favor, strongly against or in favor but with reservations? Why?

(Students listen and answer the question).
Teacher: What about us? Do we want to eat GMF?

(Answers from the audience)

Student 1: I don’t think it’s good to eat artificial food. It threatens our health. As we’ve just heard consumers in Europe are against it. They want any genetic food to be labeled. I completely agree with them.

Student 2: I know that potatoes have been engineered with chicken genes to increase resistance to diseases and tomatoes have fish genes added to make them less delicate in the cold temperatures of fridge. To my mind, it’s disgusting. I’m strongly against GMF.

Student 3: I’m sure that GMF will improve our health, stop the world hunger and help us to achieve better environment. It’s a great idea to make products stronger, better and bigger.

Doctor Omnivorous: I see the advantages of producing vegetables with more vitamins, rice with more protein, lower fat products and crisps made from potatoes that don’t soak up as much oil.

Professor Tendereater: Genetic engineering is just like speeding up nature. Consumers  shouldn’t be guinea pigs for untested food substances. If GMF  gets into the natural chain uor natural species will be in danger – imagine a GM fish that is 50% bigger and eats 50% more food.

Leader: I think it’s really hard to decide what food is better for future generations when experts can’t agree on the food of the future. Through the centuries people have been looking for the ways of keeping fit and healthy, thinking of and passing on from generation to generation some useful advice. Let’s give some general advice to each other concerning food. Use the words and phrases:

                                                                          to keep fit                                                                                                                                      to be in perfect condition                                                             
to feel well    
to be healthy and strong
                                                                to have stomach troubles                                                                                                                         to be a real picture of health                                                                                                                                  to be pretty fit                                                                            to be in pretty good shape              

( Students give advice one by one and fill the basket with food).

·         I think if you get plenty of variety in your diet, you’ll be healthy and strong.

·         To keep fit eat more vegetables and fruit and less sugar, salt and fat.

·         I am sure if you check the content labels on packets and tins to see what they actually contain, you’ll get only healthy food.

·         If you avoid fast food, microwave meals and unhealthy snacks, you’ll be a real picture of health.

·         Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let your food fight it out inside you. Enjoy your food!
Teacher: As we can see the basket is full with different kinds of food. It means that we must eat everything but in moderation. I’d like to finish our discussion with the words said by Hippocrates:

The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine.

Motivation of marks.

Home assignment:

Teacher: I hope you’ve found the discussion interesting and got some useful information from it. So, your home task is to write an essay to the newspaper on the topic “ Healthy food of the future”.


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